More the exception than the rule. If fixed were faster they would ride the TT sections of the tours, world champ TTs etc, on them (assuming it would be allowed?)
Well it's hard to say, it's obviously more about the rider than the bike. BUT, no one would ride fixed if it was slower. And the fact that there are records set by fixed, proves that in the right situation, fixed can be faster.
AndasIalreadysaidonthelastpage.... the TDF tts are a lot hillier than most normal TTs.
Well it's hard to say, it's obviously more about the rider than the bike. BUT, no one would ride fixed if it was slower. And the fact that there are records set by fixed, proves that in the right situation, fixed can be faster.
AndasIalreadysaidonthelastpage.... the TDF tts are a lot hillier than most normal TTs.