If you've got an old BB shell, make two or three cuts across the threads with a hacksaw, clean up any burrs with a file and then wind the old shell in and out of the bad threads a few times. This will recut the threads through any paint and gunge. Do it slow and don't wind it in tight; this generates heat which will make it bind some more. In slowly and out, clean it, in and out again. Careful use of paint stripper will soften whatever paint they have used.
If you've got an old BB shell, make two or three cuts across the threads with a hacksaw, clean up any burrs with a file and then wind the old shell in and out of the bad threads a few times. This will recut the threads through any paint and gunge. Do it slow and don't wind it in tight; this generates heat which will make it bind some more. In slowly and out, clean it, in and out again. Careful use of paint stripper will soften whatever paint they have used.
I hope this helps.