This thread has utterly depressed me.
When they changed The Easter holidays to Spring holidays and Christmas to Winter festival i thought that it was the fault of politicians and buerocrats in some far off EU parliament but i now realise that that "P.C. gone mad" is a problem created by people in our own country whose lives are so sad they have to find shit like this to complain about.
I mean GET A FUCKING LIFE people.
How many members of this forum ride "stealth" all black bikes?
If you get upset by this bike being used as an advert then how do you feel about the people that have taken the symbol of your movement and inverted it?
Must be like a christian seeing an inverted crucifix.
And what about the people that ride on brightly colour blocked bikes?
Aren't they taking the basis of the Ghost bike movement and making an utter mockery of it by substitutuing bright happy colours for the white?
I'm ashamed to be associated with a group of small minded, petty, self righteous idiots.
Bikes are cool, its always interesting and/or nice to see a bike. I dont really care what colour they are, and they make great memorials... much more impact than a couple of lines in the local paper, which will be in the recycling box within a week.
What cycling does not need is a bunch of rules on how to use your bike and what colour it should be.
Is this miss the point day? We're not talking about bikes that are being ridden around here. People can ride whatever colour bikes they want (I'm certainly not got any problem with Slaytanic's white on white Vivalo). We are specifically talking about bikes that are:
Not ridden nor I suspect rideable
Sprayed white (as in everything, not a white frame with white deep-Vs, everything).
Locked permanently (or semi-permanently) in a specific location
And as for Merak's response, that's pretty mature. I don't like those apples much, because the owner of said apples can't tell the difference between them and pears, it seems.
Is this miss the point day? We're not talking about bikes that are being ridden around here. People can ride whatever colour bikes they want (I'm certainly not got any problem with Slaytanic's white on white Vivalo). We are specifically talking about bikes that are:
Not ridden nor I suspect rideable
Sprayed white (as in everything, not a white frame with white deep-Vs, everything).
Locked permanently (or semi-permanently) in a specific location
And as for Merak's response, that's pretty mature. I don't like those apples much, because the owner of said apples can't tell the difference between them and pears, it seems.