So, I took the plunge and bought a pink one from ebay.
Just put it on the rear and taken it for a 10 minute spin round the block. here are my inital thoughts.
The walls are reasonably thin. Not as bad as fucking stelvios, but certianly no match for the Soma Everwears that I have been riding and loving.
The main bit is nice and chunky. Looks like they may hold up rather well against wear / skidding.
The colour is sweet. Shame they have black walls...
The twin rail system the tyres mention in their name really reduces surface contact with the road. Probably 75% of the contact of a regular treaded road tyre or my everwears. This means the tyre isn't that grippy. Infact it skids really quite easily. Easier to pop a skid on the everwears and make a sweet higher pitched noise too that lets you know you are skidding. Can definitely see why these aren't perfect tyres for the wet. But we shall see. My main worry is that the raised checkerboard pattern on the side of the tyre means that grip when leaning severly is going to be a little sketchy, but again we shall have to see.
So, based on the first (short) ride it seems like a sweet tyre to have on the rear, and the colours are nice. Just going to have to see how it goes. Most interested in how good it is at not puncturing and what its like in the wet and how it handles round corners.
So, I took the plunge and bought a pink one from ebay.
Just put it on the rear and taken it for a 10 minute spin round the block. here are my inital thoughts.
So, based on the first (short) ride it seems like a sweet tyre to have on the rear, and the colours are nice. Just going to have to see how it goes. Most interested in how good it is at not puncturing and what its like in the wet and how it handles round corners.
Will keep you updated.