That's not enough time to have adjusted, if you've set the cleats up so as to position your feet differently to how they were.
You can try: getting used to it (which may never happen or injure you, depends on your age, time riding in the previous way, etc) or adjust cleats until the position replicates the setup of the straps. Depends if your clip+strap setup was any good to begin with.
Also factor in saddle height since cleated shoes typically get you closer to the pedal due to the recessed cleat.
That's not enough time to have adjusted, if you've set the cleats up so as to position your feet differently to how they were.
You can try: getting used to it (which may never happen or injure you, depends on your age, time riding in the previous way, etc) or adjust cleats until the position replicates the setup of the straps. Depends if your clip+strap setup was any good to begin with.
Also factor in saddle height since cleated shoes typically get you closer to the pedal due to the recessed cleat.