I guess it could be the unclipping movement? I know I was a bit surprised at how much effort was needed when the cleats were new, now they've worn in a bit it's getting easier. I've got the cleats positioned so the ball of my foot is over the pedal axle, or very slightly forward. My foot is pretty much straight on the pedal with a very slight turn out (as is my natural foot position). I read somewhere it was safer to have the foot slightly forward as otherwise you tend to flex your foot more?
I guess it could be the unclipping movement? I know I was a bit surprised at how much effort was needed when the cleats were new, now they've worn in a bit it's getting easier. I've got the cleats positioned so the ball of my foot is over the pedal axle, or very slightly forward. My foot is pretty much straight on the pedal with a very slight turn out (as is my natural foot position). I read somewhere it was safer to have the foot slightly forward as otherwise you tend to flex your foot more?