• #2
google is your friend
• #3
32 tooth, 4 bolt sounds like a modern mountain bike chainring.
So unlikely to have " big teeth especially suited to single speed"
• #4
DMR and Blackspire have SS specific chain rings. (i.e. not ramped teeth). If you are lucky with the chainring you need, you may find it on offer in Chain Reaction or Wiggle.
The Cyclestore's chainrigns linked above look definetely good value for money, though. -
• #5
TA specialities are nice and strong but i think they sell for £30 up. Wiggle/chain reaction
• #6
thanks 31t®um
on my budget aswell
and to the others cheers but im on a tight budget becasue getting a new bike soon
4 arm 104bcd 32 tooth please for single speed use so good big teeth
£20 and under please
im poor
any website links would be helpfull aswell