A cycle computer
Which took me by surprise, since I've never wanted one. But I do like the idea of knowing how fast I go rather then guessing. That might just be used a bit before appearing in the classified.
This fixed is the only bike i've ever had that hasn't got a computer (soon to be fixed [pun not intended, and apologies for the double brackets]) as that was always most of the fun for me, going as fast as I could, setting targets for average speeds and whatnot, looking to get a white Cateye computer with a cadence function (might seem silly on a fixed, but i'll be sticking it on my road bike for the long-distance hilly journeys).
This fixed is the only bike i've ever had that hasn't got a computer (soon to be fixed [pun not intended, and apologies for the double brackets]) as that was always most of the fun for me, going as fast as I could, setting targets for average speeds and whatnot, looking to get a white Cateye computer with a cadence function (might seem silly on a fixed, but i'll be sticking it on my road bike for the long-distance hilly journeys).