i went for one and im very happy,i had a few spare bits laying around so pearsons stuck them on the build for me and took the money of the final build,i was starting to get carried away with the whole fixed wheel thing ,i started wanting a cheap fixed bike for my winter training ,next thing i wanted was bob jackson frame with all the trimmings and the extra cost but lucky i saw sense and went for the cheaper option and got a pearson,the are great starter bikes if your not worried about being all pimped up
i went for one and im very happy,i had a few spare bits laying around so pearsons stuck them on the build for me and took the money of the final build,i was starting to get carried away with the whole fixed wheel thing ,i started wanting a cheap fixed bike for my winter training ,next thing i wanted was bob jackson frame with all the trimmings and the extra cost but lucky i saw sense and went for the cheaper option and got a pearson,the are great starter bikes if your not worried about being all pimped up