• It's a bit of a sore point, but my mum basically had to pay up through her insurance company after a kid rode his bike into her car. Who was at fault was debated, but apparently the insurance company decided there was no point in taking it anywhere because which court would believe a motorist against a 14 year old cyclist?

    Basically, they sent a letter to my mum outlining their predicament, ie you broke our son's bike now give us money or give us insurance details. My mum sent them the insurance details, they rang up the insurance company, insurance company rang up my mum and they discussed the claim. It was decided there was no point in contesting blame as it was not in their best interest (note, not in my mum's best interest, but in the insurance company's best interest). After that all we heard about it was a letter saying the case is now closed, we paid out £500 on your behalf. Which was a fucking joke because it was a shitty Halfords £100 bike so they either blagged the bike (very likely), or they claimed psychological damages etc etc, loss of education blad de blah... (also likely).
