RPM that made for an interesting read. However what your man describes as 'squirrelly' and a what is likely to be a danger on a fast descent in traffic is actually an asset.
I don't know if you ever couriered but a fast accelerating highly maneurvable bike is an asset in traffic.
My preference his for a steep head tube, a slightly relaxed seat tube and a short rear triangle, like this
It was a shame the mercian was too small because the geometry on this bike was spot on
RPM that made for an interesting read. However what your man describes as 'squirrelly' and a what is likely to be a danger on a fast descent in traffic is actually an asset.
I don't know if you ever couriered but a fast accelerating highly maneurvable bike is an asset in traffic.
My preference his for a steep head tube, a slightly relaxed seat tube and a short rear triangle, like this
It was a shame the mercian was too small because the geometry on this bike was spot on