ok, so what's with this:
opinionated, self-interested speculation?
All the evidence gathered on motorcyclists using bus lanes shows that it's beneficial for everyone
Are you saying that there is reliable evidence for allowing motorcyclists in bus lanes that can be applied in London? Please refer me to it first so I can have a look at what it is you're looking at.
If you think it's reliable, the burden of proof is on you (or whoever claimed it was reliable in the first place) to show that it is. Perhaps, to save us work, someone has already explained why they think it's reliable. If you don't think it is reliable, you and I may simply differ in our interpretation of this evidence, and in that way we'll have a sound basis for discussion.
There is certainly other evidence from which a 'most likely' scenario arises, as I outlined, subject to further study. I make no claim that this is a reliable outcome, but only that it is most likely based on what we do know. From this arises a genuine worry that the Mayor is moving ahead on policy without a reliable evidence basis when there are indicators to the contrary.
Granted, there are some that ride inconsiderately, but the majority see the similarities between serious cyclists and motorcyclists and treat cyclists accordingly. Scooters, now there's another thing - barely trained and lacking competence. Similar to... Andy, what's the term? Dayglo numpties?
Just to be clear: This is not a point about the behaviour of individual road users. That requires the usual wider point about people in general--whatever mode of transport people use, there will always be some that do it inconsiderately, and that tells us nothing interesting. No-one who understands transport is prejudiced against classes of road user, and such prejudice has no place in any evidence-gathering exercise. The question is rather whether certain measures are desirable as public policy. This is where the worry arises, which is why I talked about the 'big picture'.
Hello Jerry,
Are you saying that there is reliable evidence for allowing motorcyclists in bus lanes that can be applied in London? Please refer me to it first so I can have a look at what it is you're looking at.
If you think it's reliable, the burden of proof is on you (or whoever claimed it was reliable in the first place) to show that it is. Perhaps, to save us work, someone has already explained why they think it's reliable. If you don't think it is reliable, you and I may simply differ in our interpretation of this evidence, and in that way we'll have a sound basis for discussion.
There is certainly other evidence from which a 'most likely' scenario arises, as I outlined, subject to further study. I make no claim that this is a reliable outcome, but only that it is most likely based on what we do know. From this arises a genuine worry that the Mayor is moving ahead on policy without a reliable evidence basis when there are indicators to the contrary.
Just to be clear: This is not a point about the behaviour of individual road users. That requires the usual wider point about people in general--whatever mode of transport people use, there will always be some that do it inconsiderately, and that tells us nothing interesting. No-one who understands transport is prejudiced against classes of road user, and such prejudice has no place in any evidence-gathering exercise. The question is rather whether certain measures are desirable as public policy. This is where the worry arises, which is why I talked about the 'big picture'.