The battery blew up over a year ago, I got up one morning to find it had split and oozed acidic slime all over a load of paperwork. nice. Got a free one from twapple as a result.
I'm gonna take the machine apart and clean it all.
@ed it's a 2.13Ghz 2Gb MacBook Pro 17" I've changed the HDD to a 300Gb model myself about a year ago. The case has a dent in next to the hard drive, but nowhere near the GFX bit of the logic board.
The battery blew up over a year ago, I got up one morning to find it had split and oozed acidic slime all over a load of paperwork. nice. Got a free one from twapple as a result.
I'm gonna take the machine apart and clean it all.
@ed it's a 2.13Ghz 2Gb MacBook Pro 17" I've changed the HDD to a 300Gb model myself about a year ago. The case has a dent in next to the hard drive, but nowhere near the GFX bit of the logic board.