My mac has, in the last few days, started displaying random lines on the screen, in lots of colours, only horizontal lines of pixels. And once, i got a big white triangle over one window. It's pretty weird, if i scroll the contents of the window, the line stays there, if i resize the window, the line sometimes goes, and sometimes comes back.
I reckon the video cache is about to die. what do mac experts think?
Just thought, I fell off the bike about 3-4 months ago, and banged the laptop a bit, but weird that this would happen now. The mac is 2 1/2 years old.
My mac has, in the last few days, started displaying random lines on the screen, in lots of colours, only horizontal lines of pixels. And once, i got a big white triangle over one window. It's pretty weird, if i scroll the contents of the window, the line stays there, if i resize the window, the line sometimes goes, and sometimes comes back.
I reckon the video cache is about to die. what do mac experts think?
Just thought, I fell off the bike about 3-4 months ago, and banged the laptop a bit, but weird that this would happen now. The mac is 2 1/2 years old.