commuters that ring their bells like complete cunts through neal st. makes me wanna jump on my white horse and kick them off their gay bromptons road rash style. how fucking fun would that be?!!!
I'm hating:
*Dumb ringing of bells is doing my head in too. At really unecessary moments.
*Peds that stare at you daggers style, when you're only creeping. Yeah, if you're hammering, maybe they have that right, but not when you're patiently letting them cross when its a red man on the light.
*Slippery roads that everyone else (including lots of other cyclists I note, hippy,) seem to think you can just razz around as if its a cool june evening on bone-dry tarmac. It's icy ffs! Not the Monaco GP.
I'm hating:
*Dumb ringing of bells is doing my head in too. At really unecessary moments.
*Peds that stare at you daggers style, when you're only creeping. Yeah, if you're hammering, maybe they have that right, but not when you're patiently letting them cross when its a red man on the light.
*Slippery roads that everyone else (including lots of other cyclists I note, hippy,) seem to think you can just razz around as if its a cool june evening on bone-dry tarmac. It's icy ffs! Not the Monaco GP.