In the early 1990's Chris Carmichael, along with fellow coach Rene Wenzel, injected US junior riders without telling the riders truthfully what was in the injections, and without informing the parents of these young riders. Carmichael and Wenzel were at the time coaches of the US national junior team.
Later several of these riders became seriously ill due to side effects of the so-called "vitamin" injections, and brought a lawsuit against Wenzel. The initial legal complaint, filed by former rider Greg Strock, named Carmichael as part of the lawsuit.
Later Carmichael paid off Strock with a double digit amount to get his name removed from the complaint.
A double digit amount is somewhere between $10 and $99 which does not appear to be a huge amount in terms of hush money.
A double digit amount is somewhere between $10 and $99 which does not appear to be a huge amount in terms of hush money.