Hippy good day sir. I bet I felt wore than I felt. I then saw Julio just up the road, hello and good to speak to you. Then whilst I was on lunch heading back to work I think I saw Pig farmer riding past Victoria train station, was it you sir? Then on my way home whilst track standing at some lights this massive cunt stopped next to me and started talking to me! Asking if I wanted to go for a drink! I then reconised him It was Object of course!
Emilia I was worried this morning, Where were you?
Hippy good day sir. I bet I felt wore than I felt. I then saw Julio just up the road, hello and good to speak to you. Then whilst I was on lunch heading back to work I think I saw Pig farmer riding past Victoria train station, was it you sir? Then on my way home whilst track standing at some lights this massive cunt stopped next to me and started talking to me! Asking if I wanted to go for a drink! I then reconised him It was Object of course!
Emilia I was worried this morning, Where were you?