I've also got a small frame (51 or so), the overlap is quite bad. Usually not a problem, I just pedal through it until I can turn where I need to. Yesterday though I got a little unbalanced, swung the bars to re-balance and bang! took out my foot out with the wheel. I while I was thinking about this, I was slowly going over, going, going, gone. Had to quickly ride off before the boozed up smokers outside a pub started laughing at me.
I've also got a small frame (51 or so), the overlap is quite bad. Usually not a problem, I just pedal through it until I can turn where I need to. Yesterday though I got a little unbalanced, swung the bars to re-balance and bang! took out my foot out with the wheel. I while I was thinking about this, I was slowly going over, going, going, gone. Had to quickly ride off before the boozed up smokers outside a pub started laughing at me.