• #2
i feel robbed. :)
• #3
and used.
• #4
• #5
HA! Good one!
I thought it was going to be some kind of Christmas chocolate.
• #6
There, there, Matt...
• #7
mmmmmmmmmmmm chocolate.
• #8
mmmmmm arospok
• #9
ill buy one. will you have these caps at rollapaluza tomorrow night?
• #10
hee hee. Sorry guys! Yeah I should be coming along tomorrow night so I'll bring a few along :-)
• #11
if you could bring a selection I'm sure they'll sell like hot cakes. Or tartan chocolate aerospokes.
• #12
I'm starting to realise that 'rest' days and 'fucking cold' days don't work so well, since the whole 'go faster to keep warm' doesn't work. I wore a fucking cap under the helmet this morning.. dark times.
Dazz: If you'er coming to Rolla tomorrow, I'll probably want a black option.. all black, blackgrey, blackred, something like that. Can you please be bringing some non-fucking-fluoro options for Captain Misery? Ta Muchly!
• #13
looks good Daz.
great to see the site as well. -
• #14
If one of the Westies would be so kind to grab me one of these caps I will pay you back on this Thursday. I cannot come Rolla tonight :( diary fail. THanks!
• #15
mmmmm tartan
• #16
Obligatory "Use the fucking Search"
• #17
^ was that aimed at me?
i'm on a fucking warpath today...
• #18
ha that 'well did' get my attention! i was thinking of those nets of chocolate coins (already delicious), but in spokshapes
Thought that would get your attention :-)
Check out the new LCEF caps here www.lcef.org.uk
All for a good cause - thanks people.