I've only noticed a cycle lane on bits of the north circular (north of the A40) but I was driving so can't go gazing at the side. South of the A40 it's fine to ride on.
Try both one weekend if you get the job (good luck btw), one may be better in one direction to the other.
P.S I'd avoid central because it will slow you down.
I've only noticed a cycle lane on bits of the north circular (north of the A40) but I was driving so can't go gazing at the side. South of the A40 it's fine to ride on.
Try both one weekend if you get the job (good luck btw), one may be better in one direction to the other.
P.S I'd avoid central because it will slow you down.
My route.
I think I'd need a gps to get me used to this route though as my navigation is terrible!