another idea find a local bicycle recyling facility and go along as a volunteer maybe a more long termist idea but if you are in london there are quite a few
waltham forest bicyle recyling centre they are always looking for volunteers and it would be a prefect place to improve your knowledge by either getting the guys there to give advise or just by dismantling a bike and re building it yourself the bikes are usually just of the street / police reclaim vehicles so any slight slips of a spanner or rounding of a nut wouldn't be an issue
another idea find a local bicycle recyling facility and go along as a volunteer maybe a more long termist idea but if you are in london there are quite a few
waltham forest bicyle recyling centre they are always looking for volunteers and it would be a prefect place to improve your knowledge by either getting the guys there to give advise or just by dismantling a bike and re building it yourself the bikes are usually just of the street / police reclaim vehicles so any slight slips of a spanner or rounding of a nut wouldn't be an issue