I'm for not exposing email addresses. But then I'm fairly sure I set up a specific address for signing up here, so if spam started arriving at that address i'd be directing my anger at you :)
(yes I read the bit where you said the address would only get to the spammer if I replied to the PM via email, which I wouldn't)
And to derail. Anyone know who FixedGearRepublic.com is? I got a friend request ages ago and i've been treating it as spam and ignoring it.
I'm for not exposing email addresses. But then I'm fairly sure I set up a specific address for signing up here, so if spam started arriving at that address i'd be directing my anger at you :)
(yes I read the bit where you said the address would only get to the spammer if I replied to the PM via email, which I wouldn't)
And to derail. Anyone know who FixedGearRepublic.com is? I got a friend request ages ago and i've been treating it as spam and ignoring it.