England and Wales! Check you out. Not a lot of people HERE know that the law is a different animal in Scotland.
As you can probably tell there are a lot of people here who would agree that traffic-antagonising behaviour isn;t why we go. I'd actually like to see the Mass only occupy the left-hand lane (don;t need to tell you that we drive on the left) where there are two lanes, so motor traffic can pass, if a little slower than normally, on our right. But of course there's no chance of that since organising a broad church of cyclists is akin to herding cats.
Yeah, I know you drive on the left. I do to, since I live in London now. I still catch myself drifting to the right from time to time, though. Pretty scary or at least embarrassing.
Yeah, I know you drive on the left. I do to, since I live in London now. I still catch myself drifting to the right from time to time, though. Pretty scary or at least embarrassing.