• I had my first comment about brakes today. I ride with a front brake, but that doesn't stop some people!
    I was riding to work and it was pretty slippy earlier. I was riding along as a bus decided to pull out towards me on the other side of the road. I promptly back pedaled and decided a little of the front brake would help me slow down quicker. My front wheel slid out and I took a hit to the tarmac. It wasn't very pleasant but I wear a skid lid, so that saved me. I collected my bike and stepped onto the curb to assess the damage. My bike was fine and I only took a chunk out of my chin. A moped rider pulled over and asked if I was OK, I said I was and off he went.Then, from the other side of the road, a lorry was waitng and the driver leant out of the window and shouted "You'd be better with a back brake".
    I was seriously pissed with him, having just taken a pretty big fall, all he could say was that I should have had a rear brake. I don't remember what I said to him but I wasn't about to explain the whole fixed gear set up.
    Some people really should just keep to themselves sometimes.
