I'm for limiting goals to head / shoulder height. Couple of reasons: firstly, like Mike says, it would suck loosing a goal that you have no chance in hell of saving as it's 30 foot off the ground. Secondly i think it may be easier to ref with a limited height.
end of mallet only
ball to body ok, body to ball not ok. Catching, slapping, kicking etc are definate no-no's and should be treated as a footdown.
ok (for what it's worth) my input...
I'm for limiting goals to head / shoulder height. Couple of reasons: firstly, like Mike says, it would suck loosing a goal that you have no chance in hell of saving as it's 30 foot off the ground. Secondly i think it may be easier to ref with a limited height.
end of mallet only
ball to body ok, body to ball not ok. Catching, slapping, kicking etc are definate no-no's and should be treated as a footdown.