1. pajamas
    2. PinkGottiMobbss
    3. Shootthebreeze
    4. rocksteady
    5. Spins
    6. adam_livesagain
    7. Markyboy
    8. wools
    9. Charco
    10. Gatorman
    11. Wibble
    12. Buddha Fingaz
      unlucky number 13. George Sportif
    13. Cornelius Blackfoot
    14. crabtree
    15. CGlover
    16. Skully McChops
    17. CrazyJames
    18. Tika
    19. (purple) Tom
    20. hillbilly
    21. Colmans formally know as Caleb
    22. Stix (rear wheel is ready to roll !!!)
    23. Fluff (if she's man enough)
    24. Guerillaphoto (gonna drive up from Brighton)
    25. teddy
    26. Fresh
    27. Mann1e
    28. Mielie
    29. kattt
    30. Stallionlegs (Fuck work)
    31. STE5
    32. furious tiles
    33. Maxw
    34. Gustav
    35. yeh731
    36. Elguapo
    37. jayloo
    38. eyebrows
    39. Dylan
    40. moog
    41. Dj
    42. mmccarthy
    43. edscoble
    44. Oliver Schick

    I love night riding!

    @STE5--drinks beforehand sounds like a good idea, I'd be up for that. I'm in Upper Clapton. Is cycle parking at the Elderfield still so rubbish? Anyone else from Clapton/Homerton?
