i respect that hamilton is great driver, but hes the best at the most boring of all motorsports. it goes on for hours, and the most exciting things that happen are tire choice and pit stop tactics. the winners are so predictable and theres hardly any overtaking. even the crashes are boring.
i have a mate that is a massive F1 fan and he always tries to get me into it, but it ends up being much like that boosh episode where howard is trying to point out the intricacies of fusion jazz. "wait for it, its coming...honest.
now moto GP on the other hand is fucking great. dueling, loads of overtaking, crashes, short races that dont get boring, riders with personality and varying riding styles. its just blatently the king, but people just as interested in bikes. i respect those guys alot more than the F1 guys with all thier computers and electronic gear boxes. watching stoner and rossi dueling is probably the greatest entertainment motorsport has to offer.
the whole sportsman of the year is blatently going to go to hamilton, which i think is a bit of a shame. maybe im biased becuase i love cycling, but i think Hoy desevres it alot more. 3 golds and the figurehead of a dominating cycling team, winning for his country in a sport that doesnt offer much in the way of financial rewards, IMO is better than a first time winner of a sport. when hamilton has won a few more championships maybe. the award is partly about promoting diffrent sports to inspire others to enagage it, in which case i think cyclcing is a worthy cause. hardly anyone can do motorsport as a hobby, and with the olympics coming up i think its important to make more of our already excellent cycling team.
that and i dont like hamilton. hes too smug, and fuck off with the whole im doing it for england when you fuck off to live in another country becuase of tax. ive no doubt hes worked hard to get to where he is, but i bet he hasnt spent as many hours huffing round a track or in the gym breaking his body in the same way Hoy has.
i respect that hamilton is great driver, but hes the best at the most boring of all motorsports. it goes on for hours, and the most exciting things that happen are tire choice and pit stop tactics. the winners are so predictable and theres hardly any overtaking. even the crashes are boring.
i have a mate that is a massive F1 fan and he always tries to get me into it, but it ends up being much like that boosh episode where howard is trying to point out the intricacies of fusion jazz. "wait for it, its coming...honest.
now moto GP on the other hand is fucking great. dueling, loads of overtaking, crashes, short races that dont get boring, riders with personality and varying riding styles. its just blatently the king, but people just as interested in bikes. i respect those guys alot more than the F1 guys with all thier computers and electronic gear boxes. watching stoner and rossi dueling is probably the greatest entertainment motorsport has to offer.
the whole sportsman of the year is blatently going to go to hamilton, which i think is a bit of a shame. maybe im biased becuase i love cycling, but i think Hoy desevres it alot more. 3 golds and the figurehead of a dominating cycling team, winning for his country in a sport that doesnt offer much in the way of financial rewards, IMO is better than a first time winner of a sport. when hamilton has won a few more championships maybe. the award is partly about promoting diffrent sports to inspire others to enagage it, in which case i think cyclcing is a worthy cause. hardly anyone can do motorsport as a hobby, and with the olympics coming up i think its important to make more of our already excellent cycling team.
that and i dont like hamilton. hes too smug, and fuck off with the whole im doing it for england when you fuck off to live in another country becuase of tax. ive no doubt hes worked hard to get to where he is, but i bet he hasnt spent as many hours huffing round a track or in the gym breaking his body in the same way Hoy has.