• #27
• #28
• #29
Well I've been busy buying another bike on ebay (£45 buyers collects) and you will all be pleased to know that the ShopperX will rise again like a thingy from the whatsit!
Just watch the share price of Raleigh rocket when this beast hits the streets.
Thums for you to drool over inc. suspect #1
I'm thinking of a dark powder blue this time with gold wheels and black everything else or maybe just blue frame n forks with black wheels and components. The mudguards are going to be 'powdercoated' in the garden when it stops raining - which will be about June so I won't need them anyway.
Note the Kryptonite NYFU. I can now sleep happily at work knowing it's safe from thieving gypsy bastards and other romany types.
Thanks for looking out for the old one if you have. Aparently you never stop looking for your own stolen bike and thus remain like a love lost soul for ever. And thanks for the comedy posts.
I'll update the progress if you like.
Oh and in case you were wondering yes i have sprayed my white walls black - they were just too gay!
2 Attachments
• #30
Note the Kryptonite NYFU. I can now sleep happily at work knowing it's safe from thieving gypsy bastards and other romany types.
• #31
what, you mean like these romany purveyors of all evilness -
FFS MrMonkey, have a bit of a think before ya post rubbish like that - Ta ...
• #32
Viz Issue 44 (October 1990)
One of the first issues of Viz I ever read at my friend Chesh’s house and without a doubt the strip that stuck most with us was the tongue-in-cheek “*The Thieving Gypsy Bastards*” – a tale of stereotypical Romany types which despite pleading from John Brown was published in issue 44 (on page 3 no less.) The team knew they were probably in for a bit of stick with it and thus included a slightly shorter three panel strip on the following page entitled “*The Nice Honest Gypsies*”. The tact didn’t work (although the Viz office only received four complaints) and the comic was soon contacted by the President of the Romany Union in Texas to accuse them of inciting racial hatred and demanding a retraction. Still, it was a really very funny strip…
• #33
yeah that was 1990 its 2008. Guess what, gay people can get married now, beastiality is now illegal, saddam hussain is dead and we have all grown up a bit.
• #34
P.S did your name just appear on a list???
• #35
A lot of people have fought long and hard in this World for freedom of speech and to live in an environment free from suppressive forces towards other individuals in a society.
No one should be in any position to either reverse their hard work or dictate their views on others no matter how demotratic they think they are.
Your freedom and rights in the country, that you no doubt cherish, were not given to you without the sacrifice of many many people and you should respect what they did for you.
If you wish to post a non-threatening reply think adout it first for a while and try not to put any Google Safe Search images in it - Ta...
• #36
A lot of people have fought long and hard in this World for freedom of speech and to live in an environment free from suppressive forces towards other individuals in a society..
and that includes attributing a set of values on a group of people based purely on their ethnicity
And to contextual it a bit for thee I know of at least 2 regular uses of this forum who have Romany/Carny backgrounds
• #37
I have a Scouse background but I still get slated to fuck. Scousers fair game?
• #38
And to contextual it a bit for thee I know of at least 2 regular uses of this forum who have Romany/Carny backgrounds
Shouldn't you be letting them complain if they feel offended then, rather than being offended on their behalf?
Oh and in case you were wondering yes i have sprayed my white walls black - they were just too gay!
No one's even mentioned this bit of the post...
I'm going to stop now though because last time I started on this subject I got called a rascist...
Which I don't think I am... but maybe people that read what I write on a forum can tell if I am better than myself?!
• #39
Shouldn't you be letting them complain if they feel offended then, rather than being offended on their behalf?
What if I'm one of the two :^]
• #40
What if I'm one of the two :^]
That's fine then, be offended! :-)
Although, stop talking in the third person, it offends me.
(out of interest what if greasemonkey is one too?)
ps would rep for this but my rep buttons seem to have disappeared (are only those with membership numbers below 1000 allowed to rep now? Or have I done something bad to loose them!?)
P.S did your name just appear on a list???
Although i'd also neg rep for the slightly pompus post before about growning up... on a forum that seems to be completely obsessed with the word cunt and bad puns...
• #41
What's juvenile about a bad pun?
• #42
A lot of people have fought long and hard in this World for freedom of speech and to live in an environment free from suppressive forces towards other individuals in a society.
Actually a lot of people are *still *fighting for those things. I don't think anyone said you don't have the right to air your views; just that if you do others have the right to tell you they think those views are crass, infantile and ill-judged.
• #43
but maybe people that read what I write on a forum can tell if I am better than myself?!
No, you are not better than yourself.
• #44
Oh and in case you were wondering yes i have sprayed my white walls black - they were just too gay!
White walls are awesome.
• #45
Note the Kryptonite NYFU. I can now sleep happily at work knowing it's safe from thieving gypsy bastards and other romany types.
you fucking what ??
• #46
Ha Ha, I've not been on here for ages and I see nothing has changed.... I think that makes me feel good! The world still turns
• #47
Ha Ha, I've not been on here for ages and I see nothing has changed.... I think that makes me feel good! The world still turns
So, getting rid of rep has had the predicted effect.
• #48
What's juvenile about a bad pun?
I'm not getting into this, I don't want to be called punist... I'd like to point out I like puns, sarcasm, slap-stick, satire, racial slurs, all forms of humour, I don't judge on anything... not even how funny something is...
(as you can tell from this post)
yes Oliver...