This happened to a woman like 2 mins from where I live(Dublin), 50 years old cycling to work a big Hannay truck(the ones that carry the industrial size recycling skips) turned onto her at the intersection. As far as I know she was stopped at the lights infront of the truck and he pulled off and just crushed straight over her. I was going by on the bus(second floor unfortunatly) and saw her, the bike was like a banana and she was worse. This is a truck route for the company and I have actually seen bigger trucks of theirs not even bothering to look up other than to see the green light, some havent even indicated.
I now mount the path on my way back from school turning this corner, the only place I ever do.
This happened to a woman like 2 mins from where I live(Dublin), 50 years old cycling to work a big Hannay truck(the ones that carry the industrial size recycling skips) turned onto her at the intersection. As far as I know she was stopped at the lights infront of the truck and he pulled off and just crushed straight over her. I was going by on the bus(second floor unfortunatly) and saw her, the bike was like a banana and she was worse. This is a truck route for the company and I have actually seen bigger trucks of theirs not even bothering to look up other than to see the green light, some havent even indicated.
I now mount the path on my way back from school turning this corner, the only place I ever do.