In case you haven't found out already, the one downside to using Criterium bars as opposed to more modern bars is that you don't get a flat transition from the tops to STIs or Ergo levers. You can sort of fiddle it a bit, but the bars and levers end up looking a bit wonky.
I find I can't ride on the hoods of my aero brake levers on my Criterium bars for as long as I can on the ergos on my more modern ITM bars. I guess it may be just a case of what you're used to though
In case you haven't found out already, the one downside to using Criterium bars as opposed to more modern bars is that you don't get a flat transition from the tops to STIs or Ergo levers. You can sort of fiddle it a bit, but the bars and levers end up looking a bit wonky.
I find I can't ride on the hoods of my aero brake levers on my Criterium bars for as long as I can on the ergos on my more modern ITM bars. I guess it may be just a case of what you're used to though