Decked it when BMXing last night. Smashed my foot into the floor, hobbled away and sat down for a smoke. Started rtiding again, bit sore but I assumed I'd just stubbed my toe.
Having hardly slept due to not being able to get comfy I now think I've broken one of my toes. Couldn't get into my sidis this morning, knew I couldn't ride with the powerstraps on the Surly either.
Decked it when BMXing last night. Smashed my foot into the floor, hobbled away and sat down for a smoke. Started rtiding again, bit sore but I assumed I'd just stubbed my toe.
Having hardly slept due to not being able to get comfy I now think I've broken one of my toes. Couldn't get into my sidis this morning, knew I couldn't ride with the powerstraps on the Surly either.