• welll, the story goes like this. My friend an I were working and we saw him and a few other people cycle past and we had a chuckle about his bike, and my firend said, "what have you done to your bike?" he replied "the same thing i did to your mum last night" and then i asked "why have you got aerospokes front and back?" he replied "why have you got a monkey job" i replied "because it pays £13.50 an hour" then he made a comment that slips my mind and as he rode away wioth his chums i shouted "aerospokes are for pussys" then we returned to work. he then came back skidded to a stop and said "do you know who i am? do you know who i am? i got more than one bike" then my friend started argueing with him whilst i was working then he threatened to slap him and got off his bike and we just ignored him and went back to work as we didnt want to have to show him whos the boss (sorry i couldn't help it) and because if you start a fight with someone you'll probably see again it will turn into more bollocks and i was and still am extremely tired.

    You all sound like twats, to be fair.
