So, after being hit by a van today in front of half of the population of London (my fault entirely - tired and hurrying to get home) I got up and rode away feeling incredibly stupid and incredibly lucky.
I'm just grazed and - to my untrained eye - the bike is fine (thanks Van Man for having your brakes serviced regularly). However, my wheels were a bit out of true, so I got out the spoke key when I got home. It's not the first time that I've had to have a go with the spoke key, as the wheels on my OTP bike seem to be made out of metal that's marginally stiffer than a quality Emmental cheese. Now when I spin them round, they sort of oscillate regularly between my brake blocks, left-right-left-right-left-right, by a small but consistent amount (no big obvious displacements, they're now sorted). Is regular wibbling normal/unavoidable? Or should they run utterly straight to the naked eye? Am I lacking the patience to do a proper job, as well as any basic road sense? Or am I trying to get my wheels impossibly perfect, when I should be investing my time in a cycling proficiency test?
So, after being hit by a van today in front of half of the population of London (my fault entirely - tired and hurrying to get home) I got up and rode away feeling incredibly stupid and incredibly lucky.
I'm just grazed and - to my untrained eye - the bike is fine (thanks Van Man for having your brakes serviced regularly). However, my wheels were a bit out of true, so I got out the spoke key when I got home. It's not the first time that I've had to have a go with the spoke key, as the wheels on my OTP bike seem to be made out of metal that's marginally stiffer than a quality Emmental cheese. Now when I spin them round, they sort of oscillate regularly between my brake blocks, left-right-left-right-left-right, by a small but consistent amount (no big obvious displacements, they're now sorted). Is regular wibbling normal/unavoidable? Or should they run utterly straight to the naked eye? Am I lacking the patience to do a proper job, as well as any basic road sense? Or am I trying to get my wheels impossibly perfect, when I should be investing my time in a cycling proficiency test?