Right I'm putting a single speed together for my mate and have got some of the bits but have still got some way to go. The budget for this build has recently changed so it's got to be finished on the cheap.
We have : frame, forks, wheels, headset, BB, crankset, chain, seat post, stem and possible saddle.
We need : pedals, clips and straps, bullhorn bars, brake levers, brakes, cables & housing.
There is money but not much what have people got in their spares bins.
Right I'm putting a single speed together for my mate and have got some of the bits but have still got some way to go. The budget for this build has recently changed so it's got to be finished on the cheap.
We have : frame, forks, wheels, headset, BB, crankset, chain, seat post, stem and possible saddle.
We need :
pedals,clips and straps,bullhorn bars, brake levers, brakes, cables & housing.There is money but not much what have people got in their spares bins.