• #2
Fuck yeah, looks count for everything. Don't forget salmonchild, trespasser, and fixedpip (not to mention jacqui, little john, and a few others from along the way).
PS: I found a pub with handpulled LDN pride 5 mins from my house.
• #3
Jack, you tosser...
• #4
I found a pub with brooklyn lager here. We should meet up and swap bodily fluids.
• #5
The pub with the pride - that's not the one mentioned in Viz is it? Where if you take a copy of Viz to the pub you'll get a free pint (english size on american).
• #6
Momentum I found a pub with brooklyn lager here. We should meet up and swap bodily fluids.
I'm kind of hoping that was directed at Jack, not me ... Although, I'm flattered :-)
• #7
Momentum - which pub serves Brooklyn Lager? I love that stuff!
• #8
[cite]mashton[/cite]I'm kind of hoping that was directed at Jack, not me
Mainly directed at Jack - I'm not as easy as him.
JimmyP - Can't remember the name - was behind the big post office depot near Condor
• #9
The Pakenham Arms? It's round the back of Mount Pleasant Sorting office (the big post office depot near Condor)
• #10
Nice. I drank it like it was going out of fashion when i was in NYC in May. Gonna have to see if the Pakenham is the place.
• #11
Also saw some (a while back mind) in the Ten Bells near Spitafields amongst others.
• #12
don't go in there guys
• #13
Thats impossible, I drank all the Brooklyn ever. Or so some people I know tell me...
• #14
They were using prison slang. Brooklyn = strangers' bodily fluids.
• #15
they serve brooklin lager at: hoxton square bar n kitchen, the diner, slaughtered lamb and a couple of others i cannot remember. Juicy stuff, don't you guys think it tastes a bit of metal?
• #16
Dude don't blow my cover!
And if by metal you mean then yes , it certainly does taste like metal
• #17
• #18
pimping, jack.
• #19
Hi Jack.
We miss you. Bambi is visiting me, he's trying to convince me that NYC isn't the land of the philastines.
I don't belive him.
• #20
hey Jack, good to hear you're still kicking.
what was / is the 1 percent gang? did you drink 1% lager?
• #21
1% comes from motorcycling. somebody said 99% of motorcyclists are law abiding the other 1% were a law unto themselves. it wasn't those words exactly but it was something like that. i think it was mostly hells angels that thought of themselves as 1% ers.
if you ride a cycle and think of yourself as a 1%er do you peg football cards to your stays or make motorbike sounds for that authentic v-twin sound?
• #22
Hiya Nhatt. I know he is. How's that going? He's absofuckinglutely wrong. NYC is most definitely the land of Philistines and goddamnit are we proud of that.
The 1% gang IS the hardest drinking, most down and dirty, goddamn greatest bicycle and drinking club in the world. The only 2 rules are you have to ride your bike to the bar and spread the gospel of getting wasted and shredding the gnar. Oh yeah, and we still believe in hospitality.
Mr. Smith is mostly right about that story except for the fact that the gang earned the 1% name was the boozefighters, not the angels. We're just the 1% of bicyclists who don't give a fuck. Oh yeah there's a bunch of other little inside shit but that's for insiders ears only... hehe, insiders...
• #23
God forbid I should ever step foot in the part of the world again, in any case.
I think you just got out boozed by team totally awesome in London town, come back and try and reclaim your crown.
• #24
nhatt, 8 hours of drinking with team awesome was not up to the 2 hours in a dive in Brooklyn i spent with jack, some thing i will be doing allot of in a few months.
TA has nothing on 1% fact (and i'm not even a member, yet)
• #25
Interesting, albeit brief, article on the One Percenters and Hells Angels in the latest Rugged magazine (Freebie mag from Carhartt).
This has been a public service announcement on behalf of the motor cycle community
I've been in New York , working and riding in the ECMC. Been hanging out with Jack the Crank and he says to say hello to any old members of the one percenters.
As far as I can remember from our drunkeness he mentioned momentum, trampsparadise and more.
So, here's a hello from NYC and Jack. He's one funny fucker.