Much as I'd like to make some witty remark regarding the Langster. I dont see anything wrong with them (OK not my taste look/geo wise).
Personally I would start upgrading parts. You can really drop some weight this way, spread the cost, and transfer the parts to a new frame in the future if need be.
I tend to make a rough plan of what I want (with sizes, threadings etc), and then sit and wait for things to come up cheap in bike sales etc.
You could of course demote the langster to winter/ bad weather duties and buy a summer pimp bike (tiny tyres, no clearance etec.). In fact that sounds like much more fun.
Much as I'd like to make some witty remark regarding the Langster. I dont see anything wrong with them (OK not my taste look/geo wise).
Personally I would start upgrading parts. You can really drop some weight this way, spread the cost, and transfer the parts to a new frame in the future if need be.
I tend to make a rough plan of what I want (with sizes, threadings etc), and then sit and wait for things to come up cheap in bike sales etc.
You could of course demote the langster to winter/ bad weather duties and buy a summer pimp bike (tiny tyres, no clearance etec.). In fact that sounds like much more fun.
Remember the n+1 rule!