just back from quite a bad day on bricklane - i started at 8 on my own before meeting up with friend at 9 (bad idea especially if you are a girl, also i guess i was a bit naive talking to the 'wrong' people (if there is something like that) ...)
we didn't spot my bike (monoc tc2 concept) BUT hej something good happened aswell - 3 bikes were recovered together with these guys from tower hamlet: http://www.londonfgss.com/thread3948.html#post357441 > so do get in touch with them if you happen to be down at bricklane - they are good people!
(and don't let any - really NONE! of the bikesellers at the market know that you are looking for a stolen bike! it was probably just me at 8 being really stupid
learned some lessons I guess -
And I'm happy for Rasmus and the other that got there bikes back today(:
apparently more rare bikes might get shifted to another city (cambridge or birmingham ...)
if you know anything about this - please let me know...
they also might take it appart and sell all the bits separatly - which would make it more difficult to get it back together):
just to update this and that i put it with
stolen bike thread: http://www.londonfgss.com/thread123-19.html
2 Hours Ago #945 grit
just back from quite a bad day on bricklane - i started at 8 on my own before meeting up with friend at 9 (bad idea especially if you are a girl, also i guess i was a bit naive talking to the 'wrong' people (if there is something like that) ...)
we didn't spot my bike (monoc tc2 concept) BUT hej something good happened aswell - 3 bikes were recovered together with these guys from tower hamlet:
http://www.londonfgss.com/thread3948.html#post357441 > so do get in touch with them if you happen to be down at bricklane - they are good people!
(and don't let any - really NONE! of the bikesellers at the market know that you are looking for a stolen bike! it was probably just me at 8 being really stupid
learned some lessons I guess -
And I'm happy for Rasmus and the other that got there bikes back today(:
apparently more rare bikes might get shifted to another city (cambridge or birmingham ...)
if you know anything about this - please let me know...
they also might take it appart and sell all the bits separatly - which would make it more difficult to get it back together):
I'm still looking for it tho
thanks for keeping your eyes open!