• maybe if your like me and relatively new to this you dont want to be lambasted for asking what may seem like "stupid questions". Certainly the attitude on these forums has often intimidated new comers that i have met through buying off the classifieds and has even put me off attending "drinks" or other events in fear of being ignored for not being part of the "clique".

    there are no cliques on this forum, (well not many) if you come out to one of the myriad drinks that are conveniently located in the four main corners of london, you'd see this fairly clearly. People on here are fairly passionate about this internet place as we feel it is special, unique, almost in that many of us have been out on rides (something I urge you to do, if you haven't signed up for the bridges on the 15th you should), attend drinks, and generally know more about each other than most other forums, so there is more camraderie here, and a desire to protect what is ours, Dogsballs is slightly more vociferous in this, in this case, than others are. But there is a general feeling that people who sell on here, should engage in the forum banter and ethos, rather than seeing this as another place to sell their wares.
    I should just say that I personally have no issue with retro di corsa selling on here, as the testimonals above attest he's a valued part of the forum and community, and I hope he comes out for the bridges ride to engage in more good fellow cycling feeling.

    So to end mullerbugs, come out on a ride, attend a drink, and you'll discover our internet bark is much worse than our bite, and if your afraid of posting a stupid question, then it just means you haven't searched hard enough on the site for the answer.
