if you have the disc in the front, with wind will be dificult to control,so better have one in the back, with your weight mainly over the back wheel the wind is no so bad.
we use them for polo, and for polo where you need one is in the front.
we made them front the plastic advers the state agents use to adver houses, cheap, and strong, and easy to work with.
the ones you show in ebay, looks to be just a plastic bag, and a metalic ring, so I no to convince
if you have the disc in the front, with wind will be dificult to control,so better have one in the back, with your weight mainly over the back wheel the wind is no so bad.
we use them for polo, and for polo where you need one is in the front.
we made them front the plastic advers the state agents use to adver houses, cheap, and strong, and easy to work with.
the ones you show in ebay, looks to be just a plastic bag, and a metalic ring, so I no to convince