I lived (and cycled) in Amsterdam for two years and I have to say while is definitely a cycling friendly city, it's not a place for going fast. Many of the cycle paths are actually build out of bricks over sand, which when riding a dutch bike with 40 psi in the tyres is a bit like being in a boat. On a track frame with a 90" gear and 100psi it feels like torture, and when the wind is in your face it's relentless. Weird cuz you would expect to be able to cycle places fast in Holland - in reality, everyone takes it very slow and easy.
I lived (and cycled) in Amsterdam for two years and I have to say while is definitely a cycling friendly city, it's not a place for going fast. Many of the cycle paths are actually build out of bricks over sand, which when riding a dutch bike with 40 psi in the tyres is a bit like being in a boat. On a track frame with a 90" gear and 100psi it feels like torture, and when the wind is in your face it's relentless. Weird cuz you would expect to be able to cycle places fast in Holland - in reality, everyone takes it very slow and easy.