so my mates just got this ratty old road bike he want to convert to fixed on the cheap.
its got a 7 gear cassette on the back and 2 chain rings up the front. he wants to use the bigger of the two rings at the front, which lines up with the 4th biggest gear on the cassette. theres about 2.5mm between the hub and this gear.
im guessing theres good reason why more people dont do this and it all seems a bit shonkey to me. even if he still uses a front brake. ive told him hed be better off with just building a new hub but hes adamant to not spend money on it.
how can a suicide hub be made safe and reliable, if at all?
theres going to be about 2.5mm between the hub and the correct chainline, this seems like a big gap for spacers to fill, is this going to be a problem? redishing isnt really possible due to the state of the spokes/nipples.
we have all the tools neccessary to mod stuff if neccessary.
so my mates just got this ratty old road bike he want to convert to fixed on the cheap.
its got a 7 gear cassette on the back and 2 chain rings up the front. he wants to use the bigger of the two rings at the front, which lines up with the 4th biggest gear on the cassette. theres about 2.5mm between the hub and this gear.
im guessing theres good reason why more people dont do this and it all seems a bit shonkey to me. even if he still uses a front brake. ive told him hed be better off with just building a new hub but hes adamant to not spend money on it.
how can a suicide hub be made safe and reliable, if at all?
theres going to be about 2.5mm between the hub and the correct chainline, this seems like a big gap for spacers to fill, is this going to be a problem? redishing isnt really possible due to the state of the spokes/nipples.
we have all the tools neccessary to mod stuff if neccessary.