this thread needs to HTFU, untill I saw the title I had no idea motor bikes where not allowed in bus lanes, i just went around them. If some one was a dick to me i HTFUed and kept riding. I don't like Motor bikes blocking gaps, but go around when I can, and wait when i cant, its generaly not a huge deal, I have had close calls with motorbikes coming out of the ASL (with me infront of them) and passing on the side i was turing towards, but this would be the same if i was in the ASL and they where at the other line.
this thread needs to HTFU, untill I saw the title I had no idea motor bikes where not allowed in bus lanes, i just went around them. If some one was a dick to me i HTFUed and kept riding. I don't like Motor bikes blocking gaps, but go around when I can, and wait when i cant, its generaly not a huge deal, I have had close calls with motorbikes coming out of the ASL (with me infront of them) and passing on the side i was turing towards, but this would be the same if i was in the ASL and they where at the other line.