• I don't personally mind time-outs in league games (read: so I'm vaguely for them). But if people feel strongly about it, I'm fine with them being banned (read: but I don't really care).

    i can't recall a single occasion where a time out has effected a game...banning them is ludicrous! polo is going to a place that is of no interest to me.

    I don't think timeouts are going to be banned from the league. I just disagree with anything that's not serious to interrupt the games. I really feel that timeouts should be up to the home team to allow or disallow. I think having allotted timeouts per team/ game could lead to strategic timeouts which are dull and boring.

    Tournaments however should be a fairly strict no time out policy apart from serious injury. (Rob and Barnsey collision=time out, Dave's fucked hub=no time out in shoreditch, my bent chainring=no time out in Zurich)

    Pick up games is and always have been a no time out agreement. Apart from serious/potential serious injury (Emilie's collarbone @ bricklane, me hitting the column last week in Peckham both = time out)
