So many lines when you knew where to look. I've ridden a lot of concrete in my time - much bigger stuff with cleaner transitions and smoother concrete, but nothing compares to Slades Farm. It's where I learnt most of my stuff and it taught me how to ride smoothly. Haven't been back for a few years but there are lots of memories there - from the riding to midnight graf missions with my best mate...
Can't rep you for that, but yes - yes it is.
So many lines when you knew where to look. I've ridden a lot of concrete in my time - much bigger stuff with cleaner transitions and smoother concrete, but nothing compares to Slades Farm. It's where I learnt most of my stuff and it taught me how to ride smoothly. Haven't been back for a few years but there are lots of memories there - from the riding to midnight graf missions with my best mate...