Should we bother trying to get a game in this week at some point? Or be happy with the knowledge that we'll get to play two games in Paris, and then get shit faced?
And are we happy with Les Foque Oeuf? Or should we be something else? (Les Trois Haich - or we can steal BAD's name, and be SHM Polo - it kind of reads like "sham").
Nice one hops! This should be funness.
Should we bother trying to get a game in this week at some point? Or be happy with the knowledge that we'll get to play two games in Paris, and then get shit faced?
And are we happy with Les Foque Oeuf? Or should we be something else? (Les Trois Haich - or we can steal BAD's name, and be SHM Polo - it kind of reads like "sham").