Bollocks to you all. I used to be part of the mass hysteria and wah-wah*-I-don't-want-the-clocks-to-go-back moaning, but then I WTFU. If I wanted to start work in the dark, I'd be a fucking farmer, and if I wanted to travel ostensibly in the dark, I'd apply for jobs that involve more than a 30 minute commute.
Leaving the clocks on BST means a working day is bookended by darkness, and I've got enough of that shit going on inside my brainbox already.
And if I want to ride my bike at the weekend for any length of time without mixing it up with weekend driver twats, I want to set off at 8am without lights.
Once again, fuck all of you mainstream bitches.
Although YMMV.
*actual crybaby rather than effects pedal
I was suggesting leaving them on GMT, you disgusting pig
I was suggesting leaving them on GMT, you disgusting pig