Originally Posted by **J-D-S-H** [![](http://www.londonfgss.com/images/londonfgss/buttons_lite/viewpost.gif)](http://www.londonfgss.com/thread11992.html#post347316)
Everyone's a fucking photographer these days. Humbug etc.
Originally Posted by **nimhbus** [![](http://www.londonfgss.com/images/londonfgss/buttons_lite/viewpost.gif)](http://www.londonfgss.com/thread11992.html#post347346)
*that's very true.
one of the reasons for this is that most people [I]can't tell a good image from a crap one.*[/I]
Very true. There is so much visual diarrhoea out there.
I can't particularly tell a good image from a crap one, either, but I'm not into snapping absolutely everything that happens. What's wrong with memories?
Also, taking pictures hasn't got any easier merely because everybody can just press a button now. It's very difficult to take good pictures consistently.
Very true. There is so much visual diarrhoea out there.
I can't particularly tell a good image from a crap one, either, but I'm not into snapping absolutely everything that happens. What's wrong with memories?
Also, taking pictures hasn't got any easier merely because everybody can just press a button now. It's very difficult to take good pictures consistently.