I'm a step closer. Yesterday, I dropped into that LBS that I mentioned before. My mate was having a clear out of the workshop and had two handlebars that he wanted ot get rid of. One of them was from a 30+ year old custom build. He very nicely asked if I wanted them and I naturally said "Oooh, I don't know, cycling's not my thing" Bollocks, I jumped at them sure I said!He gave me an old Cinelli bar with quill stem attached (Cinelli too) and it had brake leavers attached. Also anonther box standard road bar.
I'm a step closer. Yesterday, I dropped into that LBS that I mentioned before. My mate was having a clear out of the workshop and had two handlebars that he wanted ot get rid of. One of them was from a 30+ year old custom build. He very nicely asked if I wanted them and I naturally said "Oooh, I don't know, cycling's not my thing" Bollocks, I jumped at them sure I said!He gave me an old Cinelli bar with quill stem attached (Cinelli too) and it had brake leavers attached. Also anonther box standard road bar.