• #27
okay here's the list:
- entire m-nus backcatalogue for badtmy
- pitlock system for peteranddave
- truckload of breaded veal cutlets for spaghettihoops
- flippies for clefty
- pornstar named angelina for skully
- couple bottles of früh for hassan
- 8mm for snowy
- bikehooks for shin, shootthebreeze and livingasleep
- stray dogs for greasyslag and sol
- cool-as-fuck spokecard for markus
- crosswalk lights for hippy
but as a warning, i may/may not be able to get to the odd-numbered ones.
anything else?
- entire m-nus backcatalogue for badtmy
• #28
if you could go back in time and get the grey panasonic frame i saw in keirin about a year and a half ago... that would be great!
when and where are you going to be about london...drinks etc?
• #29
you skipped over my request for beer! get me some of that fruh
• #30
you skipped over my request for beer! get me some of that fruh
... and a bottle of heineken for mr crash
• #31
if you could go back in time and get the grey panasonic frame i saw in keirin about a year and a half ago... that would be great!
when and where are you going to be about london...drinks etc?
well... back on monday and will be craving both car-dodging and beer served in a big glass, so i'm planning both trixie dix and easties. oh and the alleycat...
• #32
ooo get you... mr social! well fly safe catch you soon!
• #33
any chance of grabbing a casco attack helmet, just missed out on some on the bay, and now want one so bad it hurts...
• #34
yep. i'm bringing three back. one's yours if you want it.
Please bring four back if the others are taken.
Teddy, I think everyone meant: we just want Teddy back!
...and some Jever... ;)