• #2
where - i work just round the corner. and what time was this?
• #3
saw it as i was coming into work at 5ish this eveing.
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=Whitfield+St,+Camden,+London+W1T,+United+Kingdom&sll=51.643,-3.70404&sspn=0.006125,0.013819&g=Cynonville,+Afan+Argoed+Forest+Park+(NE)+(NE-bound),+United+Kingdom&ie=UTF8&cd=1&geocode=FZ8nEgMd2ur9_w&ll=51.5206,-0.13381&spn=0.012284,0.027637&z=15in think it was in between howlands and maple st on have a look at the link.
• #4
wow its like there is an epidemic of them, i saw a red falcon tourer abandoned on lambeth bridge this morning, but it wasnt there one my way home.
• #5
wow its like there is an epidemic of them, i saw a red falcon tourer abandoned on lambeth bridge this morning, but it wasnt there one my way home.
ohh weird...
on my way in to work spotted a pug frame quite small abandoned on the warren st end of whitfield st, no lock just leaning on a small tree.
just thought id let people know it was there.